Semesterbyte med Intervac
Exchanging your home with Intervac members is easy. After you have signed up and filled in your listing you can get started right away looking for a potential exchange partner. Your membership fee covers unlimited exchanges during a specific period of time (usually a year or more) and most of our members exchange several times a year.
Thousands of Exchanges Each Year
Every day of the year intervac members are living in each other's homes, taking care of each other's pets and plants, and experiencing each other's neighborhoods. Intervac members are host and guest to over 5000 exchanges per year. And we've been in business since 1953! When it comes to the security and enjoyablity of a home exchange holiday, those numbers speak volumes for the Intervac way of life.
Curated Database Mix
En annan fördel med vår långa erfarenhet är vad vi kallar vår medlems mix. Detta avser andelen medlemmar vi har i Europa-vs-Nordamerika, eller engelsktalande länder-vs-resten av världen. Vi utvärderar dessa och andra förhållanden och försöker marknadsföra så att vi får balans mellan utbud och efterfrågan.
Many 2nd Generation Exchangers
And because we've been in business for 71 years and our concept is still fresh and innovative we are proud to have many second generation exchangers amongst our members. These are adults who first experienced home exchange as kids and now they are sharing it with their children.
National Representatives in Your Country
Vi har trettiofem nationella representanter runt om i världen och de flesta av dem har varit medlemmar som du och gjort många utbyten ibland tjugo år och mer. Våra agenter vet knepen, och de kommer att göra allt de kan för att hjälpa dig. Intervac finns i ert land, och talar ditt språk.
Detailed Guidlines and Online Help
We have detailed guidelines for home exchange that are updated regularly in light of our organisers and their members' experience. Our online system is well documented with plenty of help text to give you a boost when find yourself stuck in the middle of the night.